Sunday 15 November 2020

Podcasting - 60 Seconds to Improve the World!

 Hello there!

This week's assignment for my course was to create a podcast. I decided to talk about how to improve the world, in 60 seconds. In the podcast, I talk about kindness, and how I believe it can change the world.

What I say in the recording, word by word is right below to make it more accessible!

 Hello There,

My idea to improve the world would be making the world a kinder place. In this day and age, I think a lot of world's problems can be solved with a little more kindess, and a little more compassion for one other.

I believe that kindness is so powerful that it can end world hunger, end wars across the globe, end poverty, even end global warming and many other issues that we're facing today, and will face tomorrow.

And how do I come into this picture, you ask? Well, I believe that kindness is contagious. So I do my best to be kind, and leave a positive impact on people around me. I believe that every simple kind thing that I do, makes the world a better place, better than before.

As a future teacher, I will do my best to raise kind, compassionate students and lead by example.

as always,

Stay safe, stay kind.

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Word Clouds - 21st Century Learning!

(Word cloud was created with )


 Hello there!

Since the beginning of the schooling system, teachers had one unified goal in mind: To prepare their students for the future. Raising the future generations has always been a struggle, but in the past centuries it was much easier, because teachers would more or less have an idea about how the future would be for their students.

In 21st century however, where technologic developments happen overnight, there is no telling how the future is going to be. And that's why, in 21st century, we have no choice but to teach our students how to prepare themselves for the future. We need to teach our students, how to teach themselves.

To be successful, our students will need to know how to use technology to their advantage when finding, analysing, evaluating and sharing information. Good thing is that the younger people who were born into an already technology filled world (also called "Digital Natives", ) are prone to using technology more effectively than older people ("Digital Immigrants").

As teachers, we simply need to encourage our students to use technology in an academic context, and let them figure out how to use technology on their own rather than to hold their hand through the entire discovering process, as first hand experience is the greatest teacher of all time.


This is me signing off;

Stay safe, stay kind.

Monday 9 November 2020

Welcome to my blog!

 Hello there!

It seems that you have stumbled upon my blog. I wonder how you found this, perhaps you found it when scrolling aimlessly through the internet? Or, more likely, you were given a direct link to this by myself. Either way, welcome to my blog, the more the merrier.

I'm Cansu, the author of this blog, a 2nd year ELT (English Language Teaching) student in Marmara University. I really like listening to music, playing videogames, watching musicals and making references to things. If you see something on this blog that you think is a reference, it probably is a reference. More information about me should be under "Get To Know Me" and if it's not, my sincerest apologies, I'm still trying to figure out how to blog.

In this blog, I will be discussing educational technologies, how and why we should incorporate them into our classrooms. Considering the sheer amount of information on the internet, I doubt that my silly little blog posts would be the thing to make a difference in a reader's mind, but then again, this blog is mostly to document my own journey in my Educational Technologies course. If this blog does end up helping a teacher or a techer-to-be though, I would be very happy to know about that, so, contact me! I am yet to discover a way to directly message someone on blogspot, so the conversation would most likely be happening in the comments! If there is a way to dm someone, please let me know!


After all that text, I once again welcome you to my blog. Signing off for the first time:

Stay safe, stay kind.

My Last "Last Post" - Goodbye?

  Hello there! So, we're right back here again. At the end of the semester. This time we had 5 tasks, all of which were group projects ...