Tuesday 22 June 2021

My Last "Last Post" - Goodbye?

  Hello there!

So, we're right back here again. At the end of the semester.

This time we had 5 tasks, all of which were group projects (which I loved) and all taught me more tools that I can use in my classrooms. Even though it was frustrating at times due to the old/inefficient technology (Looking at you, webquest) overall it was a fun experience, and it taught me a lot (If nothing, it taught me to be patient with technology). 

Personally I really enjoyed creating the flipped classroom vocabulary video. It took a long time to do, but it was very fun, and I can see it being very useful in the future. Not only as a part of the flipped classroom experience, but it could be used as homework as well. Aaaaand I dreaded the grammar video more or less the same amount, although that was mostly due to the site not functioning as it should've.

I think agumented reality is unfortunately too new of a technology to use in classes for now - I hope that'll change before I graduate because the potential it has is amazing - but for now, it's just too much effort for minimal result, and it's hard to even find an app that can help you create the exercise. Webquest is on the opposite end of the spectrum - it's simply too old of a technology. It may have provided great lessons back then, but now it should be replaced by newer, shinier, more user-friendly technology. That's why I think neither are good enough to be used reliably; nice tool, wrong time.

Overall, I think I've learned a lot during this semester, and I'm so glad I took this class.

Unfortunately, like all good things, this too will end very soon. And this time, for good. (Unless I get to have another elective from Dr.Kurt, of course.)

Well, I guess it's time to give my thanks then? First, to Dr. Kurt, for creating and teaching this course, I will remember you when I create materials for my classess. Second, to Kaan for being such a great teammate, it was a blast working with you, pal. And lastly, my dear reader, to you: For following me across two courses.

Now, for the last time, 

Stay safe, stay kind.

Wear your masks and your seatbelts!


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My Last "Last Post" - Goodbye?

  Hello there! So, we're right back here again. At the end of the semester. This time we had 5 tasks, all of which were group projects ...