Sunday 20 June 2021

Webquests - Tell Me About Your Family!

  Hello there!

The last taks of the semester was to create a webquest - which was something we intended to do last semester, but didn't get around to, so I was excited to learn that we would do them this time! This was another group project, so... Do I even need to tell you who I collaborated with? I don't think I do. Well, you-know-who and I looked at projects from the book that we used to create our flipped grammar video, and picked a task that we thought could use technological enhancement. The students' original task was to create a vlog and introduce their family, and we made it so they would need to create a family tree online, and then vlog/interview their family members, and then upload it to youtube as an unlisted video. That way, it's not only technology enhanced, but it's also pandemic friendly! (Which is an important thing these days)

As our teacher had suggested, Kaan and I headed to questgarden and created an account each so we could start working. The site wasn't overly complicated to use per se, but it did feel like we were dealing with a site that hadn't been updated since 2012, and that made things difficult. The site would crash or not save the changes, and sometimes it would change the background color for no reason, making it impossible to read what we've wrote. Uploading images was another problem, as the site required the images to be smaller than 500 x 500 pixels, and didn't allow us to re-size the image once it was uploaded.

In the end though, we powered through and created our webquest, and I do believe it will be a quite fun experience for our students one day. Personally, I think it's a tool that can be used sparringly (to save the teacher's sanity). I don't see myself giving webquest homeworks every week, but once or twice a term, why not?

Here's the link to our webquest, I hope you'll enjoy!


Well dear reader, it seems that we're once again approaching the finish line.

Time flies, huh? Especially when you're stuck at home doing homework...

The end is near, soon, but not yet!

So until then, 

Wear your masks and your seatbelts!

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My Last "Last Post" - Goodbye?

  Hello there! So, we're right back here again. At the end of the semester. This time we had 5 tasks, all of which were group projects ...