Tuesday 29 December 2020

Posters - Magazine Cover!

 Hello there!

This week's assignment was to create a poster. I chose to make a fictional magazine cover, "Not Sus" a magazine for the crewmates in the game Among Us. Using PosterMyWall as my teacher had suggested, I browsed the official Among Us twitter account for inspiration and images that I could use. 

I wanted to create this cover about Among Us because just like most people my age, I love the game! It was also easy to find images and hypothetical article titles about. Plus, if I will have to look into some images on my screen, I'd rather it be images of something that I enjoy.

In the future, I probably would assign a similar task to my students, because I had a lot of fun while making my poster. It wasn't too complicated, and it gave me an end product that I enjoyed. I also love tasks that allow students to share their interests, I believe that it strengthens the bond between the students and the teacher.

Anyway, I hope you all will like my poster, because I'm quite proud of how it turned out.

With that said,

Stay safe, stay kind.


Saturday 12 December 2020

Padlets - Lack of Education!

 Hello there!

This week's task was to create a KWL (Know, Want to know, Learnt) chart, using the Padlet tool. Padlet is a website that basically provides the user with an empty canvas to fill with videos, pictures, texts etc. as they please. One advantage it has over other similar webistes though, is that it allows multiple people to work on the same page at the same time! This week I collaborated with my friends Şayan, Kaan and İlayda. You can find their blogs by clicking their names!

Our topic was "Lack of Education" so, our first step was to fill out our Know column with what we knew about education - or lackthereof, we all made 3 points, before moving onto the Want to know column, where we -again- each asked 3 questions that we wanted to know the answers to. Then the last step was to fill out the Learnt column, where we wrote the answers to our questions. I think it was a pretty fun activity to do, especially since I got to work with my friends. You can find our padlet here!

As always, 

Stay safe, stay kind.

Book Reviews - Wiki Assignments!

  Hello there!

This week's assignment was to create a wiki page, reviewing a book of our choice. I chose to review Death Note, the manga series. It was one of my favorite series in middle school, and it sparked my interest in anime - and books that didn't have words only.

Honestly, the assignment itself was a struggle for me, mainly because the site just didn't work as it was intended. I had a lot of trouble with adjusting the text size, changing the color of the text, adding pictures in the places I wanted to add them and so on. 

I did find the book reviews fun, seeing my classmates' work was pretty exciting. I think this might be a fun activity to do in a future class, because it lets students bring something they found interesting to the spotlight. However, I don't see myself using wikis again, mainly because of the technical issues that I seemed to be unable to handle.

You can find my review here!

See you on my next post,

Stay safe, stay kind.

My Last "Last Post" - Goodbye?

  Hello there! So, we're right back here again. At the end of the semester. This time we had 5 tasks, all of which were group projects ...