Saturday 12 December 2020

Padlets - Lack of Education!

 Hello there!

This week's task was to create a KWL (Know, Want to know, Learnt) chart, using the Padlet tool. Padlet is a website that basically provides the user with an empty canvas to fill with videos, pictures, texts etc. as they please. One advantage it has over other similar webistes though, is that it allows multiple people to work on the same page at the same time! This week I collaborated with my friends Şayan, Kaan and İlayda. You can find their blogs by clicking their names!

Our topic was "Lack of Education" so, our first step was to fill out our Know column with what we knew about education - or lackthereof, we all made 3 points, before moving onto the Want to know column, where we -again- each asked 3 questions that we wanted to know the answers to. Then the last step was to fill out the Learnt column, where we wrote the answers to our questions. I think it was a pretty fun activity to do, especially since I got to work with my friends. You can find our padlet here!

As always, 

Stay safe, stay kind.

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